Friday, January 3, 2014

lol :/ and other modern devised plays by Terry Fletcher

Fans of modern playwriting techniques will enjoy this short volume of three devised plays co-created by Fletcher and his peers. I am lucky enough to know several of the creators, so I cannot claim that my review is unbiased, but I also have (what I believe is) a healthy lack of goodwill towards plays that are not pleasantly entertaining, so I think these two things cancel out when we're talking about contemporary dramatic literature. (No offense meant to the genre, but it's really not about entertainment anymore.)

Of the three plays included in the volume, lol :/ and Truth in Advertising have more popular appeal. Whether you agree with their social commentary or not, they make bold statements using enjoyable dialogue, and it was fun reading them. I have a harder time appreciating Wild World, which I believe went a step too far in trying to cover too many themes and techniques. But like I said, I like my plays light and entertaining.

This would be a great book to read in a course on modern theatre techniques, but it needs some serious copyediting. (Tsk, tsk, Terry! You're a college graduate for goodness' sake! I'm not asking for perfection, but a bit of an effort to clean it up would have been nice.) A second edition, copyedited and with a concluding note, would be much more readable. Since the large number of errors bothers me so much, I refuse to rate this book.

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