Monday, March 3, 2014

Deluxe Official Bartender's Guide by Mr. Boston Distiller Corporation

I'm not going to lie, I read this one because it was the shortest book I could find lying around. But it ended up taking a surprisingly long time to read. One hundred sixty-eight pages and over 1,000 recipes takes a while to get through.

I soon made a game of it, though: I looked for recipes without grenadine or powdered sugar. The increase in diabetes over the last couple of generations suddenly makes sense.

My favorites (or potential favorites, since I haven't made any of these yet) are the following:
Boom Boom Punch (I'm half certain this is culturally insensitive, but anything with a fifth of sweet vermouth automatically sounds great!)
Champagne Sherbet Punch (Again, fairly obvious.)
Gimlet (I have never had one, but that sounds deliiiiicious! Why is it an old lady's drink?)
Glögg (This looks like it would take all day to make, but it seems like the way more sophisticated version of grog, if that actually is real.)
Moon Quake Shake (Name says it all.)
Salty Dog (Mmmmmm.)
Tulip Cocktail (Sweet and fruity!)
Zombie (Looks like it would be way too much trouble to make myself, but super fun to watch being made!)

This is a pretty useless book, though. The recipes are all ordered alphabetically. There's an index in the back so you can look them up by category, but it's pretty impractical. Also, the book is from a time when absinthe was illegal and people used powdered sugar instead of simple syrup. Awkward to use and out of date. I don't recommend this book.


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